White Paper

“White Paper” of the Digital Freedom Committe

In order to start the activities of the Digital Freedom Committee, the Ministry of Justice requested the public bodies concerned (Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Finance, Ministry for Innovation and Technology, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, National Office for the Judiciary, Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, National University of Public Service, National Media and Infocommunications Authority) to inform our Ministry about their experience regarding the application of law in cyberspace related to freedom of expression, taxation, media regulation and data protection and the problems observed on the basis of citizen requests submitted to them.

The public bodies welcomed the initiative of the Ministry of Justice of establishing a committee examining the activities and the implementation of fundamental rights in the online world, and on the basis of their communication, they are pleased to participate in its work. On the basis of the answers returned, we can establish that a lot of questions and issues have arisen regarding the regulations in force, including the following:

1. Freedom of expression and the protection of privacy:

2. Data protection:


3. Issues of media regulation:

 o whether their activities should be considered commercial              communication or advertising,

 o    on the above basis, what their fundamental obligations are,

 o  how the arrangement concerning the responsibility for content     should be approached within the triangle of influencer – advertiser – platform provider.

4. Taxation: examining the introduction of digital services tax on revenues generated by providing specific digital services:

o      Pillar 1 related to the digital economy reacts to the question of how digital companies can be taxed in the users’ countries.

o    Pillar 2 related to minimum taxation is independent of the digital economy and serves the purpose of reducing competition in tax rates.

Public bodies also raised the following topics:

5. Protection of copyright in the online world:


6. Enforcing criminal law in the online world:


7. Child protection:


8. Issues concerning national sovereignty:




